Saturday, November 7, 2009

A Saturday of Recovery

I am not as prolific as I would like to be, but (and I'm sure this will come as a shocker) vet school is hard.  No really, its true.  I was hoping that when I finnished orientation someone (the Dean maybe) would come in and say "Congratuations on getting in, now all you have to do is show up."  That didn't happen unfortunately, instead we have had an exam every Friday, including the Mother of All Exams yesterday.

Yesterday was miserable, up until yesterday things were going all at a pretty even pace. But the Gross Anatomy test about killed me.  I studied more this last week than I have since I started and I was less prepared then I have been to date.  I spent long nights in the lab, awoke in the middle of the night with terms like celiacomesenteric ganglion and plexus on my lips and I still felt like I was taking an exam on French pronouns instead of anatomy yesterday.

So today I blog, I watch movies, I play games. The K-State vs KU game is a block away and i can here the cheers, but I'm not leaving this room.  I may begin my Microanatomy studies later, but for now I need shake off the dust from the nightmare yesterday and try to collect myself to prepare or the home stretch of first semester of vet school.