Sunday, September 20, 2009

State of the Union

originally written on 01/21/2009

Its my birthday. I'm 22 today, yep, I am really.

I figured that it was a good day to make a "current goings-on in the life of K" post. School is in session and going better than last semester. This will, hopefully, by my last semester at Kennesaw State as I will be graduating in the Spring.

I am currently in the agonizing waiting period to hear about acceptances/rejections from vet schools. The bright spot is I have an interview at Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona, California next week which means I'm heading to Los Angeles at the end of next week. I've never been to the West Coast, I'm so excited. I'm still waiting to hear from UGA and UW-Madison, they don't do interviews so it will be a long wait. Kansas rejected me, poo on them, I didn't want to go to Kansas anyway.

G is no longer working at the CDC, as we expected, but to say he's unemployed would be an error. He seems busier now than before. I'm so thankful he is so resourceful, I think this change will make him happier too. Money will be tight for awhile, but I think we'll manage.

I have sleep apnea, at least thats what they tell me, but I argue that anyone trying to sleep with that much crap strapped to their face is going to have irregular breathing. I sleep fine, or at least I did until they told me I had apnea. They say thats what caused my rapid heart beat, but I wasn't sleeping when it started so I'm still skeptical. I'm spending more time at the gym to try to naturally rectify the problem rather than wear the scary, wake up in the middle of the night thinking your being probed by aliens mask.

I'm behind on a bunch of little things around here that I'm desperately trying to catch up on, other than that all is well.

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